What if ...

What would happen if you organized an event to which all the young people in your city wanted to come? What would happen if the tickets for this event were so sought after that they were even traded on the black market?

What would happen if over 10% of your entire school came to this event and your friends asked you for more tickets to this event?

What would happen if the most popular radio stations in town started covering and promoting this event? What would happen if the love of God was told at this event and hundreds of your classmates decided to believe in Jesus? What would happen if your best friend was touched by God that night? What would happen if your group of students doubled after this event and your room became too small? What would happen? It happens! Not sometime. Not somewhere. Now! Here in Germany. The SHINE City Tour.


The entire City Tour starts with the Lightnight. It is a kick off service, which we organize for the young people from the different youth groups, youth churches and congregations. A fresh service with party & worship songs and a gripping and real life message. We want to encourage you to make a difference in your environment and let your light shine.

Here comes the kick for your school. We want to help you take responsibility for your school and your friends. We will work with you to create a student group at your school in advance of the City Tour. In the week before the SHINE event there will be a mega school concert by Good Weather Forecast or another internationally successful band on top. The SHINE Germany crew will distribute free tickets for the SHINE event with you and your student group, where your fellow students will learn more about God.

During the days leading up to the big final event, you will live together with your youth group and other youth groups from your city in one big shared apartment. Together we do the SHINE In The City activities, have lots of time to chill and get to know God better in the evening sessions. 5 days you won't forget.

For one week there will be outreaches, street parties, beach parties and charity actions in your city and surroundings. And all this with one goal: the young people of your city should experience that there is a God who loves them and can give them hope. Also during these actions free tickets for the SHINE Event will be distributed.

The SHINE Event is a large-scale Christian event with the goal of bringing your friends, your classmates, your city into contact with God. We have experienced that more than every second young person with a free ticket actually comes to the event. This means that thousands of young people may experience the real love of God for the first time that evening.

Immediately after the big SHINE event, on the following day, the Aftershow takes place. The Aftershow is a kind of relaxed get-together where, for example, people barbecue, chill and play volleyball together. The aftershow is the joint conclusion of the SHINE WG. Teens who say they are interested in the faith at the SHINE event and who just want to hang out with us are invited to the aftershow.

In the days following the event, so-called "Afterglows" take place in the student groups and youth churches. The Afterglows are fresh meetings, which should help the interested young people to find a connection to a student group and a youth church.